Sunday, August 5, 2012

Street Finds!!

My favorite price is FREE!  When I can find something for free I love finding ways to fix or create something new.  Recently my husband and I found 2 rocking chairs (different locations) and a terra-cotta pot all in our neighborhood.  

Here are my finds before I fixed them

The wicker rocking chair was an easy fixer-upper.  I just used a can of spray paint and bought a discount seat cushion.  Total for this I spent $6 for paint (2 cans) and $11 for the cushion. 

If you ever find a terra-cotta pot DON'T THROW IT OUT, unless it's cracked.  These pots and be painted over and over again.  I used a metallic copper-colored paint to cover the pot.  Then I stenciled a metallic silver around the top.  I had all these supplies at home so this project was FREE!!

this is my helper, Lincoln!

The wood rocking chair needed some TLC.  The back was rotten.  I cut some scrap wood and reinforced the back and the front.  
There were a few areas on the seat that started to splinter so I filled in the cracks with wood-filler then sanded it down... like new!

I was thinking of going with another bright color for the chair but I decided to stick with the white.  I used an outdoor spray paint and just painted the areas that needed touch-ups.  The paint blended well with the existing color so I didn't need to spray the whole chair.

1 can of spray paint for $3 and that was my only expense!

Keep your eyes open, there are always good street finds!

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