Sunday, December 18, 2011

Framing sea fans

I discovered sen fans online at a website:
I think they are great.  I ordered a dozen of two different kinds- Bahama Sea Fans & Black Sea Fans.  The prices of the fans are great and if you order a dozen at a time you have a variety to choose from.

I found some box frames at Hobby Lobby at 50% off!  The frames already had a foam backdrop for using pins (If your frame doesn't have a foam backdrop you'll have to add one and cover it with fabric). This was so easy!  I used small pins to pin up the fans.  The hardest part was hanging the frames evenly.

These are the fans I ordered.  I used the Bahama Sea Fans for other things around the house. 

When ordering from this website notice that if you order from FL you must have a business license.  If you don't then send your order to a friend in a nearby state.

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