Sunday, April 15, 2012


I really wanted to grow strawberries but I didn't have a place to put them.  I had some driftwood in the garage that was heavy and taking up space, I really needed to do something with it or pitch it.

I had the idea of hanging strawberries from the wall.  I decided to use the driftwood and attached mason jars.

Supplies: driftwood, jars, hose clamps, 4 inch screws, paint, & an impact drill.

I had to drill a hole in each hose clamp then attach them to the driftwood with regular 2 inch screws.

I painted the jars so that the sun would not shine on the roots.  I was told (by my horticulturist-husband) that the roots can't be exposed to the sun.  Makes sense when you think about it, roots grow under the ground.  I chose white so that it wouldn't absorb a lot of heat.

I planted the plants in the jars then closed them into the hose clamps.  

We used the impact drill with a masonry bit to get this on the wall.  We used 4 inch screws to make sure it was going to attach well.  It took some manpower and help but it is secure!

I wanted to jazz it up a bit more so I painted it.  I have my first couple of strawberries on the way!

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